Glass-General Purpose 다용도 유리바틀


(총 41개 상품)
  • 버튼
  • (1) Clear Glass, with Standard Narrow Neck & Cap, 30~1000㎖

    (1) Clear Glass, with Standard Narrow Neck & Cap, 30~1000㎖
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.W216800 Bottle redi, clear 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 2,650
    WH.W216800 Bottle redi, clear 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 48/Cs. 103,870
    WH.W216801 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,200
    WH.W216801 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 62,500
    WH.W216802 Bottle redi. clear 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,540
    WH.W216802 Bottle redi. clear 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 69,700
    WH.W216803 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,340
    WH.W216803 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 42,580
    WH.W216804 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,860
    WH.W216804 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 58,300
    WH.W216805 Bottle redi, clear 1000ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 8,340
    WH.W216805 Bottle redi, clear 1000ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 82,560
    WH.W216806 Bottle redi, clear 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,150
    WH.W216806 Bottle redi, clear 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 48/Cs. 124,430
    WH.W216807 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,700
    WH.W216807 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 72,700
    WH.W216808 Bottle redi, clear 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,230
    WH.W216808 Bottle redi, clear 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 83,130
    WH.W216809 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,980
    WH.W216809 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 49,090
    WH.W216810 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 6,910
    WH.W216810 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 68,380
    WH.W216811 Bottle redi, clear 1000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 9,660
    WH.W216811 Bottle redi, clear 1000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 96,160

    (2) Amber Glass, with Standard Narrow Neck & Cap, 30~1000㎖

    (2) Amber Glass, with Standard Narrow Neck & Cap, 30~1000㎖
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.W216836 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,010
    WH.W216836 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 48/Cs. 117,040
    WH.W216837 Bottle redi, amber 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,850
    WH.W216837 Bottle redi, amber 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 76,110
    WH.W216838 Bottle redi, amber 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,960
    WH.W216838 Bottle redi, amber 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 77,980
    WH.W216839 Bottle redi, amber 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,640
    WH.W216839 Bottle redi, amber 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 55,750
    WH.W216840 Bottle redi, amber 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 6,880
    WH.W216840 Bottle redi, amber 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 68,140
    WH.W216841 Bottle redi, amber 1000ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 8,630
    WH.W216841 Bottle redi, amber 1000ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 85,710
    WH.W216842 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,150
    WH.W216842 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 48/Cs. 123,970
    WH.W216843 Bottle redi, amber 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 79,310
    WH.W216844 Bottle redi, amber 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 82,590
    WH.W216845 Bottle redi, amber 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,350
    WH.W216845 Bottle redi, amber 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 52,980
    WH.W216846 Bottle redi, amber 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 72,510
    WH.W216847 Bottle redi. amber 1000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 9,950
    WH.W216847 Bottle redi. amber 1000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 99,090
    WH.W216848 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 1/Ea. 3,070
    WH.W216848 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 48/Cs. 119,890
    WH.W216849 Bottle redi, amber 60ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 1/Ea. 3,800
    WH.W216849 Bottle redi, amber 60ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 24/Cs. 74,640
    WH.W216850 Bottle redi, amber 125ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 1/Ea. 4,620
    WH.W216850 Bottle redi, amber 125ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 24/Cs. 91,030
    WH.W216851 Bottle redi, amber 250ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 1/Ea. 7,300
    WH.W216851 Bottle redi, amber 250ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 12/Cs. 72,500
    WH.W216852 Bottle redi, amber 500ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 1/Ea. 7,540
    WH.W216852 Bottle redi, amber 500ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 12/Cs. 74,980
    WH.W216853 Bottle redi. amber 1000ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 1/Ea. 8,600
    WH.W216853 Bottle redi. amber 1000ml, w/poly-seal lined phenolic cap 12/Cs. 85,310
  • 버튼
  • (1) Clear Glass, with Standard Wide-Neck & Caps, 125~4,000㎖. 투명 광구병, 둥근형

    (1) Clear Glass, with Standard Wide-Neck & Caps, 125~4,000㎖. 투명 광구병, 둥근형
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.W216924 Bottle redi, clear 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,790
    WH.W216924 Bottle redi, clear 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 74,570
    WH.W216925 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,690
    WH.W216925 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 92,340
    WH.W216926 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 7,040
    WH.W216926 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 139,550
    WH.W216929 Bottle redi, clear 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 6,390
    WH.W216929 Bottle redi, clear 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 126,810
    WH.W216930 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 9,550
    WH.W216930 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 189,870
    WH.W216931 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 10,830
    WH.W216931 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 215,070
    WH.W216933 Bottle redi, clear 4000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 29,110
    WH.W216933 Bottle redi, clear 4000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 4/Cs. 96,820

    (2) Amber Glass, Standard Wide-Neck Packers & Caps, 30~1,000㎖. 갈색 광구병, 둥근형

    (2) Amber Glass, Standard Wide-Neck Packers & Caps, 30~1,000㎖. 갈색 광구병, 둥근형
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.W216939 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,050
    WH.W216939 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 59,750
    WH.W216940 Bottle redi, amber 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,390
    WH.W216940 Bottle redi, amber 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 66,640
    WH.W216941 Bottle redi, amber 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,970
    WH.W216941 Bottle redi, amber 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 78,340
    WH.W216942 Bottle redi, amber 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 95,000
    WH.W216943 Bottle redi, amber 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 65,150
    WH.W216944 Bottle redi, amber 1000ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 90,330
    WH.W216945 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,000
    WH.W216945 Bottle redi, amber 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 79,260
    WH.W216946 Bottle redi, amber 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,630
    WH.W216946 Bottle redi, amber 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 91,310
    WH.W216947 Bottle redi. amber 125ml, tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 111,180
    WH.W216948 Bottle redi, amber 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 139,550
    WH.W216949 Bottle redi, amber 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 96,720
    WH.W216950 Bottle redi, amber 1000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 12,060
    WH.W216950 Bottle redi, amber 1000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 120,010

    (3) SQUARE, Standard Wide Neck & Cap, 15~500㎖. 4각 투명 광구병

    (3) SQUARE, Standard Wide Neck & Cap, 15~500㎖. 4각 투명 광구병
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.W216871 Bottle redi, square 15ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,320
    WH.W216871 Bottle redi, square 15ml, w/pv lined pp cap 48/Cs. 130,880
    WH.W216872 Bottle redi, square 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,390
    WH.W216872 Bottle redi, square 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 48/Cs. 132,650
    WH.W216873 Bottle redi, square 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,540
    WH.W216873 Bottle redi, square 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 48/Cs. 139,200
    WH.W216874 Bottle redi, square 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,250
    WH.W216874 Bottle redi, square 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 83,850
    WH.W216875 Bottle redi, square 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,580
    WH.W216875 Bottle redi, square 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 111,060
    WH.W216876 Bottle redi, square 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 7,040
    WH.W216876 Bottle redi, square 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 139,360
    WH.W216877 Bottle redi, square 15ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,670
    WH.W216877 Bottle redi, square 15ml, w/tef lined pp cap 48/Cs. 143,810
    WH.W216878 Bottle redi, square 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,950
    WH.W216878 Bottle redi, square 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 48/Cs. 155,190
    WH.W216879 Bottle redi, square 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,360
    WH.W216879 Bottle redi, square 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 48/Cs. 172,150
    WH.W216880 Bottle redi, square 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,380
    WH.W216880 Bottle redi, square 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 106,550
    WH.W216881 Bottle redi, square 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 7,530
    WH.W216881 Bottle redi, square 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 149,250
    WH.W216882 Bottle redi, square 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 9,430
    WH.W216882 Bottle redi, square 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 187,400
  • 버튼
  • (1) With Poly-Vinyl Lined White PP Screwcap

    (1) With Poly-Vinyl Lined White PP Screwcap
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.W216966 Bottle graduated, clear 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,800
    WH.W216966 Bottle graduated, clear 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 48/Cs. 149,960
    WH.W216967 Bottle graduated, clear 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,070
    WH.W216967 Bottle graduated, clear 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 48/Cs. 160,850
    WH.W216968 Bottle graduated, clear 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 98,330
    WH.W216969 Bottle graduated, clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 6,090
    WH.W216969 Bottle graduated, clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 120,930
    WH.W216970 Bottle graduated, clear 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 7,910
    WH.W216970 Bottle graduated, clear 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 156,740

    (2) With Teflon®-Lined White PP Screwcap

    (2) With Teflon®-Lined White PP Screwcap
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.W216971 Bottle graduated, clear 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,180
    WH.W216971 Bottle graduated, clear 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 48/Cs. 204,000
    WH.W216972 Bottle graduated, clear 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,830
    WH.W216972 Bottle graduated, clear 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 48/Cs. 230,170
    WH.W216973 Bottle graduated, clear 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 7,680
    WH.W216973 Bottle graduated, clear 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 152,090
    WH.W216974 Bottle graduated, clear 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 197,970
    WH.W216975 Bottle graduated, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 13,270
    WH.W216975 Bottle graduated, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 263,850
  • 버튼
  • (1) Short-Form Straight Bottle, 60~1,000㎖

    (1) Short-Form Straight Bottle, 60~1,000㎖
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.W216903 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 77,510
    WH.W216904 Bottle redi. clear 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 90,840
    WH.W216905 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,860
    WH.W216905 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 58,340
    WH.W216906 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 76,780
    WH.W216907 Bottle redi, clear 1000ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 9,810
    WH.W216907 Bottle redi, clear 1000ml, w/pv lined pp cap 12/Cs. 97,250
    WH.W216908 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 8,050
    WH.W216908 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 159,170
    WH.W216909 Bottle redi, clear 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 161,180
    WH.W216910 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 11,100
    WH.W216910 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 110,330
    WH.W216911 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 16,820
    WH.W216911 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 167,600
    WH.W216912 Bottle redi, clear 1000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 18,080
    WH.W216912 Bottle redi, clear 1000ml, w/tef lined pp cap 12/Cs. 180,190

    (2) Tall-Form Straight Bottle, 30~500㎖

    (2) Tall-Form Straight Bottle, 30~500㎖
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.W216995 Bottle redi, clear 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,320
    WH.W216995 Bottle redi, clear 30ml, w/pv lined pp cap 48/Cs. 130,290
    WH.W216996 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 3,570
    WH.W216996 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/pv lined pp cap 48/Cs. 140,270
    WH.W216997 Bottle redi. clear 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,290
    WH.W216997 Bottle redi. clear 125ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 104,920
    WH.W216998 Bottle redi. clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,370
    WH.W216998 Bottle redi. clear 250ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 106,190
    WH.W216999 Bottle redi. clear 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 1/Ea. 6,790
    WH.W216999 Bottle redi. clear 500ml, w/pv lined pp cap 24/Cs. 134,730
    WH.W217000 Bottle redi, clear 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 4,570
    WH.W217000 Bottle redi, clear 30ml, w/tef lined pp cap 48/Cs. 180,190
    WH.W217001 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 5,220
    WH.W217001 Bottle redi, clear 60ml, w/tef lined pp cap 48/Cs. 206,010
    WH.W217002 Bottle redi, clear 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 8,430
    WH.W217002 Bottle redi, clear 125ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 167,290
    WH.W217003 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 8,790
    WH.W217003 Bottle redi, clear 250ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 174,930
    WH.W217004 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 1/Ea. 9,910
    WH.W217004 Bottle redi, clear 500ml, w/tef lined pp cap 24/Cs. 196,990
  • 버튼
  • Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.21891445 TILT Bottle, Clear, with GL 56 PP White Screwcap, 500㎖ 1/Ea. 30,810
    DU.21891445 TILT Bottle, Clear, with GL 56 PP White Screwcap, 500㎖ 4/Pk. 119,460

    Spare Screwcap

    Spare Screwcap
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.29229560 TILT Screwcap, GL56, PP, White 1/Ea. 4,700
    DU.29229560 TILT Screwcap, GL56, PP, White 10/Pk. 45,380

    Optional Accessories

    Optional Accessories
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.29243560 TILT Light Shield, Silicone, White, incl. 4 GL56 Bottle Tags 1/Ea. 13,370
    DU.29243560 TILT Light Shield, Silicone, White, incl. 4 GL56 Bottle Tags 4/Pk. 51,790
    DU.29118560 Membrane Vented Screwcap, GL56, PP, White, with 0.2㎛ ePTFE Membrane & PP Mesh, Φ62×h27mm 1/Ea. 14,710
    DU.29118560 Membrane Vented Screwcap, GL56, PP, White, with 0.2㎛ ePTFE Membrane & PP Mesh, Φ62×h27mm 4/Pk. 57,060
    DU.29243562 Silicone Tag, for GL56 Bottles, Orange 1/Ea. 3,270
    DU.29243562 Silicone Tag, for GL56 Bottles, Orange 20/Pk. 63,190
    DU.29243563 Silicone Tag, for GL56 Bottles, Yellow 1/Ea. 3,150
    DU.29243563 Silicone Tag, for GL56 Bottles, Yellow 20/Pk. 61,000
    DU.29243565 Silicone Tag, for GL56 Bottles, Blue 1/Ea. 3,270
    DU.29243565 Silicone Tag, for GL56 Bottles, Blue 20/Pk. 63,190
    DU.29243566 Silicone Tag, for GL56 Bottles, Purple 1/Ea. 3,150
    DU.29243566 Silicone Tag, for GL56 Bottles, Purple 20/Pk. 61,000
    DU.29119560 GL45 Thread Adaptor, for Bottle Top Vacu. Filt. Unit, PTFE, GL 45 External, GL 56 Internal 1/Ea. 76,490
    J1.F214.500 Vacuum Filter Cup only, PES, 0.22 um, 500ml Sterile 1/Pk. 9,470
    J1.F214.500 Vacuum Filter Cup only, PES, 0.22 um, 500ml Sterile 24/Cs. 206,060
    J1.F414.500 Vacuum Filter Cup only, PES, 0.45 um, 500ml Sterile 1/Pk. 9,470
    J1.F414.500 Vacuum Filter Cup only, PES, 0.45 um, 500ml Sterile 24/Cs. 206,060
  • 버튼
  • (1) with Rubber Lined Phenolic Cap

    (1) with Rubber Lined Phenolic Cap
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.219755 Bottle media, rub.cap 125ml 1/Ea. 14,150
    WH.219755 Bottle media, rub.cap 125ml 48/Cs. 626,160
    WH.219757 Bottle media, rub.cap 250ml 1/Ea. 18,090
    WH.219757 Bottle media, rub.cap 250ml 48/Cs. 801,580
    WH.219759 Bottle media, rub.cap 500ml 1/Ea. 27,790
    WH.219759 Bottle media, rub.cap 500ml 24/Cs. 616,220
    WH.219760 Bottle media, rub.cap 1l 1/Ea. 34,550
    WH.219760 Bottle media, rub.cap 1l 24/Cs. 766,560

    (2) with Teflon Lined Phenolic Cap

    (2) with Teflon Lined Phenolic Cap
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    WH.219815 Bottle media, tef.cap 125ml 1/Ea. 15,140
    WH.219815 Bottle media, tef.cap 125ml 48/Cs. 671,190
    WH.219817 Bottle media, tef.cap 250ml 1/Ea. 18,880
    WH.219817 Bottle media, tef.cap 250ml 48/Cs. 836,600
    WH.219819 Bottle media, tef.cap 500ml 1/Ea. 30,050
    WH.219819 Bottle media, tef.cap 500ml 24/Cs. 666,380
    WH.219820 Bottle media, tef.cap 1l 1/Ea. 37,040
    WH.219820 Bottle media, tef.cap 1l 24/Cs. 821,560
  • 버튼
  • Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    Py.1515.01D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 25ml 1/Ea. 6,940
    Py.1515.01D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 25ml 10/Pk. 67,110
    Py.1515.04D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 100ml 1/Ea. 10,600
    Py.1515.04D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 100ml 10/Pk. 102,590
    Py.1515.06D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 250ml 1/Ea. 12,630
    Py.1515.06D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 250ml 10/Pk. 122,280
    Py.1515.08D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 500ml 1/Ea. 13,020
    Py.1515.08D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 500ml 10/Pk. 126,140
    Py.1515.10D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 1 Lit. 1/Ea. 20,640
    Py.1515.10D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 1 Lit. 10/Pk. 199,910
    Py.1515.12D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 2 Lit. 1/Ea. 122,020
    Py.1515.12D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 2 Lit. 10/Pk. 1,183,450
    Py.1515.16D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 5 Lit. 1/Ea. 216,060
    Py.1515.18D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 10 Lit. 1/Ea. 304,050
    Py.1515.22D Bottle Reagent with Screwcap, 20 Lit. 1/Ea. 578,010

    Spare Phenolic Screwcap with PTFE Liner, Autoclavable

    Spare Phenolic Screwcap with PTFE Liner, Autoclavable
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    Py.4503.25 Screwcap, with Insert Liner, Thread 25mm 1/Ea. 4,740
    Py.4503.25 Screwcap, with Insert Liner, Thread 25mm 20/Pk. 91,360
    Py.4503.30 Screwcap, with Insert Liner, Thread 30mm 1/Ea. 4,880
    Py.4503.30 Screwcap, with Insert Liner, Thread 30mm 20/Pk. 94,190
    Py.4503.42 Screwcap, with Insert Liner, Thread 42mm 1/Ea. 8,860
    Py.4503.42 Screwcap, with Insert Liner, Thread 42mm 10/Pk. 85,750
    Py.4503.60 Screwcap, with Insert Liner, Thread 60mm 1/Ea. 23,120
    Py.4503.60 Screwcap, with Insert Liner, Thread 60mm 5/Pk. 112,060
  • 버튼
  • (1) YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear

    (1) YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.2188128 YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 125㎖ 4/Pk. 32,020
    DU.2188128 YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 125㎖ 1/Ea. 8,270
    DU.2188136 YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 250㎖ 1/Ea. 9,240
    DU.2188136 YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 250㎖ 4/Pk. 35,770
    DU.2188144 YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 500㎖ 1/Ea. 10,450
    DU.2188144 YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 500㎖ 4/Pk. 40,480
    DU.2188154 YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 1,000㎖ 1/Ea. 14,480
    DU.2188154 YOUTILITY Bottle, Clear, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 1,000㎖ 4/Pk. 56,080

    (2) YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber

    (2) YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.2188628 YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 125㎖ 1/Ea. 40,270
    DU.2188628 YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 125㎖ 4/Pk. 156,190
    DU.2188636 YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 250㎖ 1/Ea. 47,930
    DU.2188636 YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 250㎖ 4/Pk. 185,890
    DU.2188644 YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 500㎖ 1/Ea. 51,120
    DU.2188644 YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 500㎖ 4/Pk. 198,250
    DU.2188654 YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 1,000㎖ 1/Ea. 71,550
    DU.2188654 YOUTILITY Bottle, Amber, Graduated, GL45, w / Cap, 1,000㎖ 4/Pk. 277,550

    Spare Accessories

    Spare Accessories
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.2922928 Spare, YOUTILITY Screw Cap, GL45, PP, Blue 10/Pk. 32,920
    DU.2924128 Spare, YOUTILITY Pouring Ring, GL45, PP, Blue 16/Pk. 17,740

    Optional Accessories

    Optional Accessories
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.29229282 YOUTILITY Screwcap, USP Class VI Pharma Grade, GL45, PP, White 1/Ea. 7,430
    DU.29229282 YOUTILITY Screwcap, USP Class VI Pharma Grade, GL45, PP, White 10/Pk. 71,930
    DU.2924329 Silicone Tags in 8 Color, 16 Tags 1/Ea. 3,270
    DU.2924329 Silicone Tags in 8 Color, 16 Tags 16/Pk. 50,560
    DU.2940102 YOUTILITY Self-Adhesive Autoclave Printable Label Pack, 100pcs. on A4 Sheets 1/Pk. 51,080
  • 버튼
  • (1) DURAN® GL25~45 Original Lab Bottle, 10~20,000㎖

    (1) DURAN® GL25~45 Original Lab Bottle, 10~20,000㎖
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.21801085 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL25, w/ Cap, 10/10㎖ 1/Ea. 11,350
    DU.21801085 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL25, w/ Cap, 10/10㎖ 10/Pk. 109,900
    DU.21801145 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL25, w/ Cap, 25/5㎖ 1/Ea. 6,640
    DU.21801145 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL25, w/ Cap, 25/5㎖ 10/Pk. 64,180
    DU.21801175 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL32, w/ Cap & Ring, 50/20㎖ 1/Ea. 7,920
    DU.21801175 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL32, w/ Cap & Ring, 50/20㎖ 10/Pk. 76,630
    DU.21801245 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 100/20㎖ 10/Pk. 68,560
    DU.21801245 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 100/20㎖ 1/Ea. 7,100
    DU.21801295 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 150/25㎖ 1/Ea. 7,920
    DU.21801295 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 150/25㎖ 10/Pk. 76,630
    DU.21801365 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 250/50㎖ 1/Ea. 7,990
    DU.21801365 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 250/50㎖ 10/Pk. 77,290
    DU.21801445 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 500/100㎖ 1/Ea. 9,060
    DU.21801445 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 500/100㎖ 10/Pk. 87,720
    DU.21801515 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 750/100㎖ 1/Ea. 11,210
    DU.21801515 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 750/100㎖ 10/Pk. 108,540
    DU.21801545 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 1,000/100㎖ 1/Ea. 12,640
    DU.21801545 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 1,000/100㎖ 10/Pk. 122,320
    DU.21801635 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 2,000/200㎖ 1/Ea. 26,290
    DU.21801635 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 2,000/200㎖ 10/Pk. 254,710
    DU.21801695 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 3,500/500㎖ 1/Ea. 136,020
    DU.21801735 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 5,000/500㎖ 1/Ea. 186,760
    DU.21801865 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 10,000/1,000㎖, 1/Ea. 428,320
    DU.21801885 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 15,000/1,000㎖, 1/Ea. 564,520
    DU.21801915 Bottle, Lab., Clear, GL45, w/ Cap & Ring, 20,000/1,000㎖, 1/Ea. 968,250

    (2) DURAN® GL25~45 Bottle Only, without Cap, 10~20,000㎖

    (2) DURAN® GL25~45 Bottle Only, without Cap, 10~20,000㎖
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.2180108 Bottle Lab., Clear, 10ml, GL25, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 9,550
    DU.2180108 Bottle Lab., Clear, 10ml, GL25, w/o Cap 10/Pk. 92,410
    DU.2180114 Bottle Lab., Clear, 25ml, GL25, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 4,880
    DU.2180114 Bottle Lab., Clear, 25ml, GL25, w/o Cap 10/Pk. 47,060
    DU.2180117 Bottle Lab., Clear, 50ml, GL32, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 5,630
    DU.2180117 Bottle Lab., Clear, 50ml, GL32, w/o Cap 10/Pk. 54,450
    DU.2180124 Bottle Lab., Clear, 100ml, GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 4,490
    DU.2180124 Bottle Lab., Clear, 100ml, GL45, w/o Cap 10/Pk. 43,370
    DU.2180136 Bottle Lab., Clear, 250ml, GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 5,400
    DU.2180136 Bottle Lab., Clear, 250ml, GL45, w/o Cap 10/Pk. 52,110
    DU.2180144 Bottle Lab., Clear, 500ml, GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 7,340
    DU.2180144 Bottle Lab., Clear, 500ml, GL45, w/o Cap 10/Pk. 70,920
    DU.2180151 Bottle Lab., Clear, 750ml, GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 9,240
    DU.2180151 Bottle Lab., Clear, 750ml, GL45, w/o Cap 10/Pk. 89,400
    DU.2180154 Bottle Lab., Clear, 1Lit., GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 10,390
    DU.2180154 Bottle Lab., Clear, 1Lit., GL45, w/o Cap 10/Pk. 100,480
    DU.2180163 Bottle Lab., Clear, 2Lit., GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 24,020
    DU.2180163 Bottle Lab., Clear, 2Lit., GL45, w/o Cap 10/Pk. 232,860
    DU.2180169 Bottle Lab., Clear, 3.5Lit., GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 135,280
    DU.2180173 Bottle Lab., Clear, 5Lit., GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 181,760
    DU.2180186 Bottle Lab., Clear, 10Lit., GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 413,050
    DU.2180188 Bottle Lab., Clear, 15Lit., GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 556,220
    DU.2180191 Bottle Lab., Clear, 20Lit., GL45, w/o Cap 1/Ea. 959,670

    (3) DURAN® GLS80 Wide-neck Lab Bottle, 250~50,000㎖

    (3) DURAN® GLS80 Wide-neck Lab Bottle, 250~50,000㎖
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    DU.21860365 Bottle w/gls80 cap 250ml 1/Ea. 16,410
    DU.21860365 Bottle w/gls80 cap 250ml 10/Pk. 158,950
    DU.1112627 Bottle w/gls80 cap 500/100ml 1/Ea. 18,350
    DU.1112627 Bottle w/gls80 cap 500/100ml 10/Pk. 177,770
    DU.1112713 Bottle w/gls80 cap 1000/100ml 1/Ea. 20,780
    DU.1112713 Bottle w/gls80 cap 1000/100ml 10/Pk. 201,290
    DU.1112715 Bottle w/gls80 cap 2000/200ml 1/Ea. 46,750
    DU.1112715 Bottle w/gls80 cap 2000/200ml 10/Pk. 453,270
    DU.21860695 Bottle w/gls80 cap 3500ml 1/Ea. 177,600
    DU.1113949 Bottle w/gls80 cap 5000/500ml 1/Ea. 239,400
    DU.1113950 Bottle w/gls80 cap 10000/1000ml 1/Ea. 479,010
    DU.1113951 Bottle w/gls80 cap 20000/1000ml 1/Ea. 1,028,380
    DU.1200265 Bottle super duty with cap 30/3Lit. gls80 1/Ea. 1,809,440
    DU.1200154 Bottle super duty with cap 50Lit. gls80 1/Ea. 3,345,980
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