Thimble Filters 원통 여과지


(총 4개 상품)
  • 버튼
  • (1) Cellulose Extraction Thimble Filter, Cotton Linter fibers

    (1) Cellulose Extraction Thimble Filter, Cotton Linter fibers
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    FL.ETC26.60 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id26xh60 mm 25/Pk. 96,950
    FL.ETC28.100 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id28xh100 mm 25/Pk. 96,950
    FL.ETC30.80 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id30xh80 mm 25/Pk. 96,950
    FL.ETC33.80 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id33xh80 mm 25/Pk. 90,080
    FL.ETC33.94 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id33xh94 mm 25/Pk. 121,220
    FL.ETC33.118 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id33xh118 mm 25/Pk. 103,750

    (2) Glass Microfiber Extraction Thimble Filter, Up to 550℃

    (2) Glass Microfiber Extraction Thimble Filter, Up to 550℃
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    FL.ETG22.80 Filter, Glass Microfibers Extraction Thimbles, id22xh80 mm 25/Pk. 549,390
    FL.ETG30.100 Filter, Glass Microfibers Extraction Thimbles, id30xh100 mm 25/Pk. 562,010
  • 버튼
  • (1) Cellulose Extraction Thimble Filter, Cotton Linter fibers

    (1) Cellulose Extraction Thimble Filter, Cotton Linter fibers
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    FL.ETC26.60 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id26xh60 mm 25/Pk. 96,950
    FL.ETC28.100 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id28xh100 mm 25/Pk. 96,950
    FL.ETC30.80 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id30xh80 mm 25/Pk. 96,950
    FL.ETC33.80 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id33xh80 mm 25/Pk. 90,080
    FL.ETC33.94 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id33xh94 mm 25/Pk. 121,220
    FL.ETC33.118 Filter, Cellulose Extraction Thimbles, id33xh118 mm 25/Pk. 103,750

    (2) Glass Microfiber Extraction Thimble Filter, Up to 550℃

    (2) Glass Microfiber Extraction Thimble Filter, Up to 550℃
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    FL.ETG22.80 Filter, Glass Microfibers Extraction Thimbles, id22xh80 mm 25/Pk. 549,390
    FL.ETG30.100 Filter, Glass Microfibers Extraction Thimbles, id30xh100 mm 25/Pk. 562,010
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